
你在k8彩乐园app官网下载的一些最美好的回忆将来自于住在我们的宿舍里, where you'll meet new people, 遇到新想法, overcome differences and develop long-lasting friendships.

k8彩乐园app官网下载是一个住宿机构,有六个学期的校园住宿要求. 我们认为,学生宿舍生活是学生为中心的教育体验的一个关键组成部分,在这里,学术学习与学生的发展相结合.

Any questions concerning residence hall living should be directed to:

Office of 居住生活 (ORL)
Located on the main floor of 巴特利特大厅
Open weekdays 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
电话: 607-871-2186
电子邮件: 居住生活


k8彩乐园app官网下载为学生提供了几种不同的生活方式和社区. 所有的宿舍都是男女混合的,无论是按楼层还是按房间/套房/公寓(同一性别的房间)。. Bathrooms are designated male or female and in some cases are gender neutral. We offer a variety of housing options:

  • 传统al corridor-style room
  • Suites and apartments for small groups
  • 单人房
  • Living-Learning社区
    • 一年级社区 Barresi, co-ed by floor and convenient to dining and athletic facilities
    • Elevated log cabin-like living for upper classes at 乔尔的房子,男女同校
    • LEED认证 安的房子 (juniors/seniors) with a spectacular view of campus,男女同校
    • Environmental Studies House for students (upper class) that meet academic requirements,男女同校
    • 延长安静研究 大炮, mixed class and co-ed by floor
    • 希勒尔的房子 for our Jewish community,男女同校
    • 荣誉的房子 for 荣誉 students desiring off campus living,男女同校
    • 独特的沉浸式生活/学习,满足上层阶级的语言要求 现代语言学院,男女同校
    • 联合之家位于 莫斯科维茨, where cultural expression and self expression are encouraged

Alfred University is a smoke-free campus. No one is permitted to smoke anywhere within residence halls, 建筑, 休息室, 进入的方式, or immediately outside any facility. 如果你是一个吸烟者,你必须在离校园任何建筑25英尺的地方吸烟.


  • 房间分配
    Hall assignment information is sent during the first week of August.
  • 电脑艳遇
  • 有线电视
    Cable hook-ups are available in each room. 传统al corridor-style halls have a TV in a lounge for community use. 我们鼓励你和你的室友商量一下谁来给你的房间带电视. 套房和公寓在单独的房间和公共起居区都提供有线连接.
  • 家具
    • Bed, mattress, dresser, desk, desk chair and closet space are provided.
      • 你应该带:
        • 床单(超长双张)
        • 床垫垫
        • 一盏台灯
        • 一个废纸篓
        • 一个电话
    • Due to fire safety and the absence of storage space, 你不允许从指定的学生房间移走任何家具, including bed frames and mattresses. Waterbeds are not permitted.
  • 存储
    在学年或整个夏季,校园内不提供存储服务. 校外也有一些 附近的储存设施 学生们可以研究一下.



  • 身份证照片/驾照
  • 社会保障卡
  • Original Birth Certificate (for work study)
  • 保险卡片
  • 护照
  • 支票簿/ ATM /借记卡
  • 个人带锁的箱子
  • 房东的保险


  • Extra Long Twin Sheets (all campus mattresses require these)
  • 毛毯/羊毛围巾
  • 床垫
  • 枕头(s) /枕套(s)
  • 浴巾(s) /毛巾(s)


  • 洗涤剂(HE但不含豆荚)
  • Fabric Softener/Dryer Sheets
  • 洗衣袋或篮子
  • 熨斗(自动关闭)
  • 小熨衣板
  • 染色棒/颜色捕捉器
  • 干燥器
  • 衣架


  • 扫帚拖把/真空
  • 清洁湿巾
  • 喷雾清洁剂
  • 纸巾
  • 垃圾袋
  • 洗碗精/海绵
  • 洗碗巾(s)


  • 闹钟
  • Coffee Maker with an Indicator Light & 自动关机
  • Desk Lamp (non-halogen only)
  • Compact Refrigerator (800 watts)
  • 微波(800瓦)
  • 电视
  • 耳塞和耳机
  • Essential Oil Diffuser with an Indicator Light & 自动关机


  • 急救箱
  • 数字温度计
  • 处方药
  • Over-the-Counter Allergy/Cold/Flu Medications
  • 洗手液
  • 5-7可重复使用的口罩
  • 消毒剂喷雾/湿巾


  • Soap /沐浴露
  • 洗发水/护发素
  • 牙刷/粘贴 & 牙线
  • 护发产品
  • Hair Dryer (not to exceed 800 watts)
  • Curling/Flat Iron with 自动关机
  • 化妆品
  • 洗漱用品
  • 人字拖/淋浴鞋
  • 伞/雨具
  • Cold Weather Wear (Coat, Hat, Gloves, Boots)
  • 太阳镜、防晒霜


  • 小垃圾桶
  • 组织
  • 浴垫
  • 白板/公告板
  • 零食
  • 食物贮存容器
  • 小地毯
  • 镜子
  • 修理/针线包
  • Under Bed 存储 Boxes or Closet Organizers
  • Memories of 首页/Photos/Posters
  • 手电筒和电池
  • Battery Powered String Lights
  • Cooking/Eating Utensils/Can Opener
  • 菜/杯
  • 切肉板 & 厨房刀具
  • 粉丝


  • 背包
  • 电脑/笔记本电脑/充电器
  • 台灯/灯泡
  • Printer (not wireless)/Paper
  • Flash Drive/External Hard Drive
  • 字典/同义词典
  • 规划师/日历
  • 索引卡
  • 笔用
  • 便利贴
  • 订书机/斯台普斯
  • 磁带
  • Pens/Pencils/Pencil Sharpener
  • Notebooks/Binders/Folders/Paper
  • 剪刀
  • 统治者
  • 计算器

*Check with your academic advisor or dean for specific program items


  • 空调
  • 蜡烛/取暖器
  • 烟花/炸药
  • 空间加热器
  • 卤素灯
  • 香/圣人
  • 电熔蜡装置
  • 插入香味油加热器
  • 磁带stries/Flags/Curtains/Other Hanging Fabric
  • Weapons (including air soft guns, large knives, switchblades)
  • Pets (other than fish in tanks 10 gallons or less)
  • Illegal Drugs/Paraphernalia
  • 酒精/用具
  • Open Coil Appliances (toasters/toaster ovens, hotplates, etc)
  • Personal Furniture (futons, waterbeds, personal beds, couches, chairs, etc)
  • 电热毯
  • Extension Cords/Power Strips
  • 无线路由器
  • Plugin String Lights/TikTok Lights
  • 室友作业
    Roommate assignment information is sent during the first week of August.
  • 室友选择
    First-year students are generally paired with other first-years, 转学生和其他转学生或继续学生一起分配. Specific roommates may be requested, 然而, each individual must indicate the other as instructed via the on-line process. If only one student makes the request, the match will not be honored.
  • 空间的变化
    Room changes can only be made after the first two weeks of classes. 希望更换房间的住客必须向住客主任提交房间转移申请.

k8彩乐园app官网下载致力于为残疾人士提供合理和适当的便利. 所有住房住宿要求都是根据具体情况确定的 学业成功中心 作为残疾人士和居住社区办公室之间的联络人.

View 住房住宿 Information

请浏览我们的 校外生活 page on MyAU to learn more about eligibility requirements and resources.

我们鼓励我们的研究生参与并享受我们的生活和学习环境. 请联系住宿生活办公室,了解研究生住宿选择. 如果您在k8彩乐园app官网下载时对我们的住房选择感兴趣,我们将要求您填写研究生住房申请(可根据要求提供).

  • 早到
    You must follow the opening arrival schedule. 一年级和转学生必须参加迎新活动,并按照规定的入住时间表入住. 继续学习的学生在单独规定的日期开始入住宿舍. Arrangements for preseason athletics is made by the coaching staff, 谁将通知学生运动员所需的返回日期(具体到每队)?.
  • Medical or Disability Accommodations
    有特殊需要的学生如欲申请住宿,请与学校联系 学业成功中心, located on the second floor of 赫里克图书馆,或致电 607-871-2148. 有关残疾或医疗需要的信息将保密,只有在您知情和允许的情况下才会泄露.
  • 单人房
  • 汽车
    All students may have cars on campus once they are registered with 非盟公共安全. Proof of campus registration must be displayed in the vehicle at all times.

Approved 居住生活 Vendors



GradGuard的创新 insurance and student benefit programs, including their market leading tuition and renters insurance programs, 包括k8彩乐园app官网下载在内的全国精选学院和大学. GradGuard is a service of Next Generation Insurance Group LLC, a licensed insurance producer, 还有一个全国性的专业保险营销平台,使消费者能够轻松注册并获得他们需要的下一代保险保护,以克服与特定生命阶段相关的意外经济损失. GradGuard可以在住房申请/选择期间轻松选择. 这不是强制性的,但强烈建议所有学生都购买一些保险来保护他们的物品,因为k8彩乐园app官网下载对个人财产的损害不承担任何责任.


All of Alfred University beds are twin XL. While extra-long sheets are available in stores, we have partnered with Dormify 为您提供订购亚麻套装的选择,以及学生可能通过邮件使用的其他潜在项目. Dormify will provide you with linens that high quality, 超长床单, 还有一份学生终身大学生活的保修单,邮寄到你家里或校园地址.


在车上搬运冰箱,然后上下楼梯是件痛苦的事. 把这个留给团队吧 MicroFridge. MicroFridge将冰箱出租给k8彩乐园app官网下载的学生,并在秋季开学前将其送达,并在5月课程结束后将其取走. Discounts are available for continued renters. 这些设备还具有救生技术,可以检测微波炉是否开始冒烟并自动关闭. These units are approved by the NY State Fire Marshall. 和你的室友商量一下,在即将到来的学年里分摊微型冰箱的费用!


Whether you're going home for the summer or studying abroad 宿舍搬运工 will take care of your stuff so you don't need to lift a finger. 花点时间和朋友出去玩,学习或者做点别的事情,而不是搬家! We can also send a few boxes home if you need to. Shipping your items without the need for storage? 包装用品通过UPS分发,然后所有东西都通过UPS运送到你需要的地方,每件100美元.